Sunday, April 29, 2012

Welcome to the Arts

I don't remember the first time I picked up a brush and started painting or when I first started to dance.
But what I do remember is that ever since I was a child, I have always been into art.
Whether be it drawing or painting, music or dance, I was always fond of it.
I remember joining a summer art workshop when I was around 6 years old,
it was my first, but it certainly wasn't my last. 

Yesterday, April 28, I attended Valerie Chua's workshop on watercolor painting.
I've probably attended 5 different workshops and I've got to admit, hands down,  hers was the best.
All the other classes I took, I couldn't really understand what the teacher was saying.
They made it so hard to grasp, using terms that I didn't know and didn't bother to clarify.
Or they barely even taught at all, leaving us to do whatever we wanted to do. 

Valerie's class was everything I expected it to be.
Easy to understand, fun, and I actually got to learn the basics! 
The types of papers, the different kind of brushes and washes, which brush to use when, and more.

I don't know why I took a picture of the paper towel. I just liked the colors.

As you can see here, we were taught 7 basic washes and 2 special effect ideas. 

We also painted the color wheel! It reminds me of a Poke´ ball or the Google Chrome logo.
This was the first time I've ever painted the color wheel...

We had to paint this picture and apply all that we learned. 

I don't know how many minutes later...
I came up with this! 

It's not exactly the best painting out there but oh well! Practice makes perfect, even though achieving perfection is a little bit too crazy. Hahaha...

Here's how the paper towel looked like after the workshop. 
Aren't the colors so pretty?
Well, I think they are. I didn't wanna throw it away (I like keeping things, even wrappers...)
After class, we got our certificates of attendance. 

Yes, Regina is my real name. Hahah! I erased my second and last name. 
I really loved this workshop, I highly recommend you join the next one if you're interested in learning the basics of watercolor painting. :)
Go check out her blog to see her works, they're amazing! 
Especially considering that she's self-taught, it inspires me and I hope it inspires you as well. 

After this class, I think I have found a new favorite medium.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here's a little somethin' for you

A kiss.
Not just any kiss, a bag of kisses!

My aunt gave this to me when she came back from America. 
I was so happy to receive this.
I just love aerated chocolate, especially if it's Hershey's! 

I love the packaging, it's not like your usual bags of Hershey's kisses.
You have a small peek of how the kisses look like, the polka dots, the kisses drawing.
It's so cute!

Pure goodness, I tell you.
They're so addicting, you can eat more than 6 in less than 2 minutes if you're not aware.

I really love the brown polka dot design.
Unlike the original one, which is plain and boring.

Looks like a regular kisses on the outside, but when you take a bite...

You can see the air bubbles! 
I suggest you go buy these, they taste like heaven.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A "Pleasant" Surprise


Can you guess what's inside this jar?
You can't? Well, here's a closer look! 

It's a praying mantis! 
I was shocked to see one crawling on my window,
 so I got a jar and caught it.
It looked awfully mad at me when I caught it...
Yet again, I can't tell. Hahah!

It looks like it's calling for help.

I let it go after 5 - 8 minutes of captivation. 
Although, it was still in it's "defensive" mode.

I find the Praying Mantis such a beautiful creature compared to mosquitoes and cockroaches.
It's long lean body and legs, small head and big beady eyes, it's mesmerizing.
This is just my opinion, I'm quite sure people would disagree. 

I love this shot, I find it so amusing.
You find this bug sticking it's head out of nowhere, staring at you...

Well, that's all for today. 
Hahah, I'm sorry for such a "disturbing" post. 
Have a nice day!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

New Look

Have you noticed the drastic change of design? 
If you haven't, you should go get your eye checked.
How do you guys like it? :)
I changed the background into this pattern I made here
You guys should go check it out, you can make & color your own pattern!
It's really fun and can be addictive to do. 

Also, I added buttons!
Here's a brief description about each.

Memories - Posts under this are about a part of my daily life. Once the moment is over, it becomes a memory just like everything in our life. 

           Snapshots - Posts under this feature some of the photos I took. Like  
           the Socks & Lights post. 

             I'm feeling crafty- Posts under this are basically related to art.            Whether be it about paper cutting or something to do with string or even a painting. 

They were all edited in this site called, Pixlr.
What I like about Pixlr is that if you don't have photoshop, this is a great substitute for it.
Although, it isn't exactly like photoshop, only similar.
Also, they have their "Retro vintage effects" which are cool too.
I might add new buttons every now & then if something new pops up in my head.

Tell me what you think. :)
Do I need to change my header?
Add a border?
Suggestions are welcome!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

God's Eye

"Sticks and stones may break your bones"
I found this pretty interesting tutorial that you could do at home with the simplest of materials.
You can use different colors of string/yarn and make it as big or as small as you want. 
Here's how mine turned out :) 

Instead of using yarn, I used string instead cause it's what I had on hand. 
It still turned out nice either way. 

Mine is pretty small, it only measures around 7 inches wide.
 I used up a good amount of string because of this, so make sure you have enough.

I hope you try it out, it's pretty fun to make :) 
That's all for today!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Feelin' Crafty

I'd have days when all I would do is to look for something to do. 
A few months ago, I was reading this blog.
I was inspired by her patience to do such amazing paper cuttings that I tried to do some of mine as well.
As you can see here, I was experimenting with what you can do with an X-Acto knife.
How much pressure you need to put and how exact it really is.
Well anyways, I was talking to my friend and he told me something.
Then I thought "Hey, I could cut this out!" and so I did.
After over 4 hours of drawing & cutting, this is what I came up with. 
Tell me what you think. :)

 "Close your eyes and dream of your future and everything will fall into place"
He didn't say that, he said something similar which gave me the idea to do this.
My hand was so tired afterwards. I had to be so careful not to rip it, I ripped some parts and I was so furious. I had to take several breaks or else I'd just give up right there and then.

You guys should try it out some time. :)
All you need would be:
  • a X-Acto knife
  • Paper (preferably one that is thicker so it'll be easier to cut)
  • Patience
  • Imagination

And that's all! 

Socks !

Yes, socks. 
I don't know what it is about socks that make me so happy.
They bring warmth and color to your feet.
They make a dull and boring day a colorful one when I put them on.
I just love socks.

Here are the latest pairs that I got. My best friend gave them to me. :)

All 5 of them.

These yellow ones are my favorite. It's so bright & colorful, I love it!
I really do feel like I'm walking on sunshine with these on.

Aside from the yellow pair, the pink one is my second favorite. Heehee, isn't it so cute? :)

I just really do love socks. I'm such a strange person. Hahah!
Do you see that oval looking birthmark on my left shin?
It's actually a scar I got from falling up the stairs.
I know, who falls while going up the stairs? I do.

'Til the next post, bye bye :)